Shingle Roof Costs Ireland

John McEvoy
February 12, 2024

Thinking about the cost of a new shingle roof? Many homeowners feel the pinch when planning big home projects like this. We totally get it—every penny matters. Let's make sure you get the best bang for your buck!

Current research suggests an average new roof cost in Ireland ranges from €5,000 to €8,000—a figure that can quickly climb based on various factors. It's really surprising, then, if it's something keeping you awake at night! 

However, don't panic; keep yourself calm! In this article, we'll shed some light on these costs and provide you with the information needed to make an informed decision about your roofing needs.

Don't leave right away; let's talk about how much shingle roofs really cost!

Factors That Affect The Cost Of A Shingle Roof In Ireland

Several factors can influence the cost of a shingle roof in Ireland, including the size of the roof, type of shingles used, difficulty of installation, and any additional features such as chimneys or skylights.

The Size Of The Roof

The size of your roof affects the cost of a new shingle roof. Bigger roofs need more shingles, and this means that you have to spend more money on materials. For example, if your house is very long or tall, it may have a bigger roof than a smaller home.

So, we think about how big the area is that will be covered with shingles before giving an estimate for the new roof cost in Ireland.

Keep in mind, too, that larger roofs take more time to cover. This means labour costs may also rise because workers will need longer hours to finish everything up! To get an accurate price range for your project, measure all angles and corners first before reaching out to roofing professionals.

Type Of Shingles Used

When it comes to the type of shingles used for your roof in Ireland, there are a few options to consider. One popular choice is wood shingles, which can give your home a rustic and natural look.

These typically cost between €60 and €80 per square metre for a roof replacement. Another durable option is rubber roofing, which can last up to 50 years. If you prefer a more traditional look, natural slate is a common choice in Ireland.

Spanish slate is the most popular and costs around €20 to €30 per square metre. Keep in mind that different types of shingles have varying prices and characteristics, so it's important to choose the one that fits your budget and preferences best.

Have you considered what type of shingles would be right for your roof? Whether you want the charm of wood or the longevity of rubber, make sure to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

Difficulty Of The Installation

Installing a shingle roof can be challenging and may require professional expertise. Factors such as the size of the roofmaterials used, and any additional features or repairs needed can make the installation process more difficult.

It's important to consider these factors when estimating the cost of a shingle roof in Ireland. Professional installation ensures that the job is done correctly and can help avoid costly mistakes or damages in the future.

Additional Features (Chimneys, Skylights, Etc.)

Having additional features like chimneys and skylights on your roof can impact the cost of a shingle roof in Ireland. These features require extra materials and labour for installation, which can increase the overall price.

For example, installing a chimney flashing or incorporating a skylight into the roofing structure will involve additional expenses. It's important to consider these factors when budgeting for a new roof or roof replacement.

Average Cost Of A Shingle Roof In Ireland

In this section, we will delve into the average cost of a shingle roof in Ireland, including the price per square metre and estimated total costs for different types of shingles. Find out how shingle roofs compare to other roofing materials in terms of cost.

Keep reading to uncover the facts!

Price Per Square Metre

The price per square metre for a shingle roof in Ireland can vary depending on several factors. Wood shingles, for example, typically cost between €60 and €80 per square metre for a roof replacement.

Rubber roofing is another option that can last up to 50 years and may have different pricing. Natural slate, which is commonly used in Ireland, can range from €20 to €30 per square metre.

It's important to keep these prices in mind when budgeting for your new roof or considering repairs. Remember, the size of your roof and any additional features or repairs needed will also impact the overall cost.

Estimated Total Costs For Different Types Of Shingles

Different types of shingles have varying costs for installation. Wood shingles, for example, can range from €60 to €80 per square metre for a roof replacement. Rubber roofing is a more durable option that can last up to 50 years.

The cost of Spanish slate, which is commonly used in Ireland, ranges from €20 to €30 per square metre. These prices are just estimates, and the actual cost will depend on factors like the size of your roof and any additional features or repairs needed.

To get an accurate estimate, it's best to consult with a professional roofer.

Comparison To Other Roofing Materials In Terms Of Cost

When comparing shingle roofs to other roofing materials in terms of cost, shingles tend to be a more affordable option for Irish homeowners. Wood shingles typically cost between €60 and €80 per square metre for a roof replacement, while rubber roofing is also relatively inexpensive and can last up to 50 years.

Natural slate, on the other hand, can range from €20 to €30 per square metre. Overall, when considering the average roof replacement cost in Ireland, which ranges from €3,500 to €8,500, shingle roofs provide a cost-effective solution for homeowners looking to replace their roofs.

Final Verdict!

The cost of a shingle roof in Ireland can vary depending on factors such as the size of the roof and the type of shingles used. Additional features like chimneys or skylights can also affect the overall cost.

It's important to consider these factors when budgeting for a new roof. And remember, it's always a smart move to get multiple quotes from different roofing contractors to ensure you're getting the best deal. Considering a quote? Reach out to HP Roofing, where quality meets affordability in all our roofing projects.

Contact us today!

HP Roofing is a team of residential & commercial roofing contractors in Dublin for all your needs. We offer a wide range of roofing services, from roof repairs to roof replacements.
Call HP Roofing 01 453 3366

Frequently Asked Questions

What factors determine the cost of a shingle roof in Ireland?

The cost of a shingle roof is influenced by the type of shingles used (asphalt, wood, etc.), labor charges, the roof's size and slope, and any extra features or enhancements required.

How do shingle roofs compare cost-wise to other roofing materials?

Shingle roofs, especially asphalt ones, tend to be more affordable upfront compared to materials like slate or metal. However, their lifespan may be shorter than that of some premium materials, affecting long-term costs.

Are there any unexpected expenses to consider when installing shingle roofs?

Be aware of potential added costs like removing and disposing of old roofing, underlayment replacement, and any necessary structural repairs or modifications.

How does the Irish climate impact the lifespan and efficiency of shingle roofs?

While shingle roofs are quite durable, the wet and sometimes windy conditions in Ireland can lead to wear over time. Regular maintenance and choosing quality shingles can help extend their lifespan.

Is it possible to get a rough estimate for shingle roofing online?

Some websites might offer basic cost calculators, but for an accurate estimate tailored to your specific needs, it's recommended to contact a local roofing contractor.

Do shingle roofs come with a warranty in Ireland?

Yes, many reputable roofing contractors offer warranties on shingle installations. The specifics, such as duration and coverage, will differ based on the contractor and the shingle manufacturer.

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*FYI, parts of this blog post were drafted by artificial technlogy. But rest assured, it's been thoroughly researched, edited, reviewed and me & my team.
Founder @ HPRoofing

The founder of HP Roofing, with years of industry experience, providing top-notch roofing services for residential and commercial properties in Dublin, delivering high-quality roofing solutions that combine both aesthetic appeal and durable functionality.